Transformed People Transforming Others
We accept and affirm ALL people regardless of race, gender, age, socio-economic class, national origin, faith background, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, or any other characteristic of human diversity because God poured out His Spirit on all people equally.
Please pay your tithes and offerings by clicking on the button below. Your giving is a spiritual act of worship!
We are community-based and focus on justice and peace initiatives. We want to reach broken people who need to know that a meaningful relationship with God can heal and make you whole. We have a special interest in serving people recovering from addiction or incarceration.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. Please join us in the Exodus Movement today!
Exodus Gospel Choir Christmas Concert
Sunday December 22,2024
Please join us for an uplifting musical treat for Christmas! The Exodus Gospel Choir will sing to the glory of God with old school and contemporary gospel songs to bless your Christmas. Door prizes, hot chocolate, and candy canes for all who come. We hope to see you there!
Watch Night Service
December 31,2024
Exodus Church
Speaker: Rev. Steve Caldwell
Be an angel for a child whose parent is incarcerated this Christmas!
We have applications submitted by the incarcerated parent for children living in the Unifour area. It will tell you the child's name, age, and a gift suggestion for no more than $25.
You can pick up Angel Tree applications at the church on Sunday or at the Exodus Homes office at 610 4th St. SW in Hickory 28602.
You can bring your gift back to the Exodus Homes office or you can call the caregiver and deliver the gift yourself. If you bring your gift back to us we will call the caregiver to pick it up or we will deliver your gift if they are not able to come get it.
For more information, please contact Marty Propst at mallen2147@gmail.com or 828-238-6728.
See how your support is changing Hickory for the better in our faith based supportive housing program Exodus Homes. www.exodushomes.org
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